Today we decided to take advantage of that bus I mentioned in the last post. Still having a hard time waking up at any decent hour due to the six hour time change, we got on the bus about 1 p.m. and headed back to Sa Reira beach. We spent the first half of the afternoon lounging on a small beach, swimming, stacking rocks, and finding sea urchins.
The second half of the afternoon, we decided to explore the many walking paths along the cliffs to other beaches. The coastal paths (camins de ronda) are old paths criss-crossing the coast, historically used by customs officers to keep an eye on tobacco smugglers, and by fishermen and sailors to go fishing or in cases of shipwreck. Now, they are simply amazing ways to access various parts of the coast or to take a beautiful (if sometimes challenging) walk.

This coast has dozens of these stairwells leading from the coastal paths down to the water – some more crumbly, steep, and freaky than others. This one looks really safe compared to the rest of them!
Towards the end of the day, we came upon my favorite beach of the day. It so happens to be a “platja nudista.” Maybe you can figure out what that means (we had the most clothes on). But the beach was beautiful, the surf was fun, the beach had hills of sand for Macy to roll down… so we stayed. I didn’t take many pictures, because I wanted to protect the privacy of the people there. When the sprinkles started up again, we knew it was time to head back and catch the bus.
Beautiful little hideaway beaches! So unlike the ‘runway’ style we’re used to here.